explore the elsewhere - Monthly Subscription (free shipping)
explore the elsewhere - Monthly Subscription
Receive a new elsewhere scent every month (there are currently 4)
This Monthly Subscription allows you to explore the elsewhere collection while giving you a steady rotation of our top candles. Each month we will highlight and ship out a candle from our elsewhere Collection. And the shipping is free!
All Monthly Subscriptions will be charged on the 1st of every month.
All Monthly Subscription Candles will ship the first week of every month.
If you purchase your subscription before the 22nd of any month, you will receive that current month's scent and then your second charge will be on the 1st of the following month and then will resume every 1st week of every month.
If you purchase your subscription on or after the 22nd of any month, your subscription will begin on the 1st of the following month and then will resume every 1st week of every month.
All monthly candle subscriptions include FREE SHIPPING.